Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Running with Music in your Mind

I have discovered a great motivator to keep me running for longer - my ipod nano!

It's fab. I went running on Saturday, and after work today as well. It's amazing how one feels compelled to keep running til one gets to the end of a song. Without little morsels of temptation and challenge like that, I probably would stop more regularly and run for less time each time (yes, I am still doing the run-walk-run-walk method).

So thank you Apple, and thank you Madonna for your latest really are keeping this whole running malarkey sweet for me!


Joyce Hopewell said...

The only time I tried running ( many years ago!!) I HATED it, so kept it to once or twice around the block.I realised at the time that I would have enjoyed it if I could have danced around the block instead, but that was in the days before portable personal music pods. Yes, music is a great motivator & it's good that it's keeping you moving!

Maylis said...

yeah I love exercising with my Ipod too... listening to podcasts from the French radio!