Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Hitting back with New Year Resolutions

It's been a while since posting anything, so a warm Happy New Year to my small following of readers! May 2009 bring you much happiness, laughter and inner peace.

So what's in store this year? By look of it, on a global level, hardship is present for many: in economic terms what with the credit crunch, warzones, famine, misguided dictators etc. I could go on and on.

All these negative things often make me feel very powerless and limited. I have to remind/reassure myself that one mustn't get too disheartened, but simultaneously it is not the best approach to develop a victim-no-can-do attitude either.

In 2009 I will endeavour to stay focused on the things which are important to me, to not get sidetracked so often; to stay focused on my core values, my positivity, my potential, my inherent goodness and lightness. And to focus on this in other people as well. I believe we're all of us inherently full of goodness - we just ALL get sidetracked, misled, scared, comfortable etc.

Environmental issues seem to have dropped off the media's radar somewhat since recession hit, Israel hit, Baby P hit the headlines, Mugabe hit the Zimbabwean spirit yet again etc. Let's hit back with positivity; some solutions and ideas/creativity to our own 'problems'; some action and speaking out against ignorance, corruption; some dialogue with our politicians and one another about how to really ENGAGE with the issues of our time. I admit I am guilty of burying my head in the sand all too often. So I really want to fight this laziness in me. I have learnt though, for myself, that quality and considered use of my time and thoughts is generally more productive, satisfying and fun than spreading myself too thinly and trying to achieve too much.

So I will use my blog to talk about things as and when I feel the inspiration - for 'green' things, political things, things that matter to me.

This includes some positive, more light-hearted and entertaining stuff as well which inspires me or makes me smile :)

Have a fun January in spite of the COLD, and don't let the buggers get you down....


Joyce Hopewell said...

Love the new-look blog, new photo of you and new fresh positive punchy approach. Yeah - let's take 2009 by the throat and face up to/speak up for what's really important. Let it roll....!

Barbara said...

Hi Abby,
A very Happy New Year to you !
All the power to you to bring out the positive in your year.
So, go for it, gal !!

I have something special for you,Mum & Maylis on my blog.
Enjoy :)