It's absolutely pissing it down here in England. Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire is effectively an island - surrounded by the burst banks of the River Severn and the River Avon.
So you might think that the UK has no worries in respect of water shortages. But the flooding has affected water supplies, so that as I type there are 350,000 people without a fresh water supply. I hope things sort themselves out soon, and flood barriers and humanitarian aid (yes, in a 1st world country) can get to the people who need it quickly and safely.
For everyone else, there's small things we can all do to protect the clean water supply which we often take for granted in the Western world.
There's a rhyme which was told to me some years ago, and I have never forgotten it. It applies to the lavatory, the toilet, the bog, the dunny etc whatever you may wish to refer to it goes like this:
If it's yellow keep it mellow
If it's brown flush it down
I say no more! :)
1 comment:
Hi Abby,
Isn't that weather just horrid? Here in France, it is rainy, too.
I understand your special message ;)
OK; that's one way to get the message across!
That's true that a flush uses up lots of water.I'am not an plumbing expert, but I have seen devices that are water savers. A special systam that has 2 flush buttons.
You take care.
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