Thursday, December 10, 2009

Submitted, now Christmas preparations

This evening I submitted my first essay for my MSc - Phew!

I actually finished it last weekend, but have had a busy week (it was my Work Christmas party last night; I am on the Social was very good, as ever!) so I didn't actually get around to handing it in (A Round Tuit...I have one of those, somewhere?!) until today.

'Handing in' my assignment is a bit "old-school" now, semantically that is. It's all done electronically, so there's no handing any paper to someone. It's marked 'blind' as well....there is only my student ID number to identify me, so tutors shouldn't really have a clue or preconceptions about the papers/people they are looking at. Which should make it a bit fairer I guess.

So all it remains for me to do this evening is to put up a few Christmas decorations (I don't have many; I am going to buy a few more to adorn my little tree...which is very little, very plastic, but this means I can recycle it for decades to come in an understated kind of way haha...??!!), write a few Christmas cards, and relax and chill listening to Beverley Knight's new album called '100%'. Oh, then I will probably watch Question Time.

Bev Knight is a wonderful, amazing singer...soul/RnB with a truly outstanding voice. I have seen her perform live a couple of times and she is simply breathtaking! I recommend her.

I will post a video of one of her latest singles on here soon.

At some point (who knows when), I will get the mark for my assignment eek! If I pass - yey! :) - if I don't, well I have one more chance......but let's not worry about that until 2010.

1 comment:

Cheshire Sett said...

Hey well done on getting that assignment in! Wonder who gave you the Round Tuit??! Had forgotten about that....Now chill and enjoy coz you've earned it. xxx